As part of the Transnational Access User Agreement signed between each User Group Leader and the Research Infrastructure, User Groups shall make suitable publicity in their publications about the support given by the European Community for the access provided to them, by including in all publications or any other dissemination the following statement:
“This work is part of the transnational access project “ERIES – XXXX”, supported by the Engineering Research Infrastructures for European Synergies (ERIES) project (, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Framework Programme under Grant Agreement No. 101058684. This is ERIES publication number XXX”
The publication number refers to a sequential system listed above and maintained by the ERIES project coordinator to track and collect all publications resulting from the ERIES project. These can be journal articles describing the experimental work conducted, conference papers discussing the planned activities or other reports involving the experimental test data and associated information. Each User Group is required to carry the acknowledgement listed above in these publications, duly substituting their projects acronym and also requesting a publication number. Please submit your publication details here to obtain your publication number and be added to list above.